This site is dedicated to providing information about adventure motorcycle riding to the average Joe. We will describe the trips we take and review gear we buy. As we are not professional riders for mechanics, we will provide information from our experiences from the point of view of people who don’t know too much. Hopefully we will learn for other peoples mistakes and be able to share these with other adventure riders.

Often we make our own mistakes and will share these with your and how we intend not to make the same mistakes again. Learning from your own mistakes is a good thing but learning from other peoples mistakes is event better.

The gear we review was paid for with our own hard earned cash so they are honest opinions based on real value for money of a product. If you have to pay for something with your own cash, you often feel differently about it than if it was given to you to test.

The adventure rides we co on are arranged with the main goal of getting maximum fund for minimum money.

This site should only be visited while at work or in the evenings. During other times you should be our exploring on your bike.
